Q:Can you tell me more about your business?
A: We are a Staffing company (人材派遣会社), providing different types of jobs for the people interested to get good Jobs!! If you are interested we will introduce the best job for you, What kind of job are you looking for? Where do you live? Can you send us your basic information and Phone number, so we can contact you? Thank you in advance.
Q:Available jobs ?
A: Most of our available jobs are shown on our Facebook page, please check there.https://www.facebook.com/kjinternacional
Also you can check here :Job Information KJ Internacional
If you want more details please call 0277-46-9009
Q: Where is your Office?
A:KJ Main Office (headquarters) https://goo.gl/maps/Yy7mDitUpWTPwaTX9 〒376-0045 群馬県桐生市末広町7-21 岡崎ビル西 〒376-0045 Gunma, Kiryu, Suehirocho,7-21, Okazaki Bldg. Nishi KJ Oizumi Office https://goo.gl/maps/jTwMF2wiMsAkyHyH9 〒370-0517 群馬県邑楽郡大泉町西小泉5丁目13−5 370-0517 5 Chome-13-5 Nishikoizumi, Oizumi, Ora District, Gunma
Q: What kind of visa do you accept?
A:We accept : Eiju, Teiju, Haigusha,Tokuteikatsudou with Working permit 「永住者」、「定住者」、「日本人の配偶者等」、「永住者の配偶者等」、特定活動(指定書のある方) We don’t accept: No visa, SSW visa, Trainee visa, Student visa, Dependent visa,